The Foundation of our Breeding Program In a world where everything is more and more complex it is refreshing to find something simple and straight forward. At the B.C. Appaloosa Centre we are endeavouring with success to simply raise the best all around Appaloosas that there are. Our selection and breeding program which is focused on the evolving to pure breed status (four plus generations of Appaloosas top & bottom) is proving very exciting and perhaps the most advanced in the country. We have been rewarded with much higher than average production
of coloured foals that are an
absolute pleasure to train and work with. Focus with Results when you Purchase a Foundation Appaloosa Using diligently selected breeding stock that trace to the original registered Appaloosas that were not part of the draft cross program promoted by the US Government after the Nez Perce surrender the B.C. Appaloosa Centre has developed the leading herd within the Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada, with 10 National Top Ten achievers in both 2001 and 2002. All of them are three-generation modern type Appaloosas with distinctive contrasting colour patterns that are consistently reproducing (85 % in our 2005 foal crop, including five black and white F4 fillies). The B.C. Appaloosa Centre is proud to produce and export International award winning Appaloosas; most recently Crystal Chandlier is the British Appaloosa National Show Supreme Champion. Because of the research and record keeping policies of
the B.C. Appaloosa Centre customers can
purchase their production
bloodstock needs with confidence and security; verified by achievement.
The herd health practices at the B.C. Appaloosa Centre allow us
to do group quarantine for export
if required and we also work with reputable
export agencies assuring satisfactory worry free delivery
of your purchase. Our horses are raised in as natural a way as possible The mares are grazed on approximately 300 acres of natural
seeded range which gives the foals
opportunity to grow unimpaired by people
or fences. The foals are weaned near the end of October
(first snow that
stays) and are fed good quality alfalfa hay (unirrigated) and whole oats.
They are turned
out in the spring with an old retired gelding in bush pasture
to learn coordination skills
and develop muscle while they play and grow.
The only handling that is required the first winter is to
teach them to
lead, and to have their hooves trimmed which is not a big job as we have
bred for a quiet and cooperative disposition. |